narrative #1

 One week and a couple phone calls later is when the crying stopped. My family and I were on a vacation to Florida. We were staying there for one week so as you could imagine we all brought a lot of clothes with us, in addition to toiletries, because who likes to use the hotel’s toiletries, and my sister brought her kangaroo plush. 

As you could imagine the trip to Florida was extremely long, from the unbearable TSA security lines, the waiting for the plane, and the baby crying on the plane. All I could think about was the beach, although there were many distractions to my vacation mindset, I blocked them out and got ready to have a great time in Florida. When we arrive in Florida the beach, ocean, hotel room and hotel are all beautiful. I have been to Florida many times before but each time I come back it always seems to get better and better.

Time flies by and all of a sudden it's the day before we leave. My sister and I were looking around the hotel gift shop when she spotted a plush. My sister, being 5 at the time, spots little plush or stuffed animals anywhere. The plush she spotted was a baby kangaroo, it was only five dollars so I decided to get it for her because I saw how much her other kangaroo meant to her, it also went together with the other kangaroo. She was very happy with the gift and I could see that as the day went on and her smile just got brighter and brighter.

The day of departure had arrived. We all got packed and headed towards the airport. I was disappointed to leave, but I knew that I would come back soon to spend more time in such a beautiful place. Then came my least favorite part of traveling, no I am not talking about riding a plane, I am talking about the TSA lines. Once again, I had to stand in the line for such a long period of time, but I should not really complain because in the end they are just trying to keep everyone safe.

We arrived back home to Michigan, and the weather in Michigan contrasted so much compared to Florida’s weather it was unbelievable. We got home and then my sister realized she forgot her stuffed animals back at the hotel in Florida. My entire family was literally in shock. We flew hundreds of miles away from her favorite stuffed animals. My parents said that they would buy new ones for her in Michigan, but I was determined to get the original stuffed animals back to her.

I called the hotel that we stayed at in Florida and asked if they saw anything left over in the room when the maids went to clean it. They informed me that they did indeed find two kangaroo stuffed animals and that they were happy to ship them back to us. I was completely shocked and relieved that they would do something like that for a customer. I did not tell my family about the news until they arrived, but I do regret that decision because every night until the kangaroos arrived I was filled with crying.

The day had come when the package arrived at my house. I was not sure if it was the  kangaroos though because they came in a rather large box for two stuffed animals. I opened the box and contrary to my belief the kangaroos were in the box. I was extremely relieved, and went to show my family but especially my sister the good news. I could tell that she was extremely grateful for what I had done by how happy she looked. In the end this taught my whole family a lesson of making sure to check the entire hotel room before leaving to go hundreds of miles away.
